Why do windows updates download so slow free.Why Is Windows Store Download Slow On My PC?
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Solved: Windows 10 Update Takes Forever – Driver Easy.
I think the Windows Operating System is some what Bloated. What is the bottle neck to download the security patches??? It takes me the entire day and night to get this done at my end. I have so many Windows to Update at my end.
Microsoft, come on. Can you please do something. This is way too much for us to handle the situation our end. Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3. Thank you for bringing this up. My problem with this is that my PC becomes almost completely unresponsive during the update installation.
I know Windows is installing an update just by noticing how unresponsive the machine is, and when I check, sure enough, Windows is at work. It is truly ridiculous that an update takes this much time, and has this much computational cost as well!!! I really don’t get it!! Sometimes the updates are long and slow, like the one for if you had a much older version.
Except network factors, firewalls, hard drives also could cause the slow updates. Could you tell me which version of your Windows 10?
Make sure your computer does not have any third-party anti-virus software installed to eliminate the third-party problems. Besides, if all the methods you had try and still update slowly, you could feedback this situation to Microsoft via Feedback Hub app. I have the same complaint. The download speed is extremely slow. My internet isn’t the fastest in the world but is 20 mbs. MS download for cumulative update is a few mbs at best. I’m outside my ‘Active hours’ so that shouldn’t be an issue.
What is even worse is that after it downloads it evidently it downloads it again to compare it. This is wouldn’t comparing the hash on both sides suffice? Maybe their server is just always swamped and it can’t do any better. After all MS is very poor and can’t afford modern technology. Biden probably needs to give them a couple of trillion dollars to update their infrastructure.
Several years ago I switched to Linux Mint and happy with it, but will admit that some of their updates download too slow but not as slow as MS and Linux only downloads it once, not twice.
Same problem here on Windows 10 – average download speed: Thats a joke. Same problem here. No results from troubleshooter. Fast SSD. Manual downloads also pretty fast. To MS engineers, Installing the updates can take serveral hours, while installing the windows itself takes only 20 min. Are you actually do some secret tasks behind the scene when updating?
Or are you actually able to understand what is the root cause in your product? I believe Microsoft with many talent engineers should understand the problem, don’t you? Users like me just want to know why it takes hours to start the computer when we just need to open a doc file for some very urgent work which should consume 5 min. In linux we can upgrade the system while still using it, isn’t it too hard to implement? As a network administrator, I run updates on over a dozen servers every month.
This was also the same with Windows R2. I agree. This is downright stupid. I can see a lot of people not updating as needed because people dont want to wait days just to get updated. If you have the option I would consider changing my ISP but then, in the highly competitive US broadband market at least according to the various telcos , you may well not have a choice. Posted 04 September – PM. Wow, and I thought Australia had poor internet speeds.
If I noted my Internet speed either Up or Down drop down to 1Mbps the first thing I’d do is get on the phone to my internet provider. In fact, I’d be screaming bloody murder even if it dropped down to 10x that. If that’s par for you in the afternoons then you have serious Internet issues. Contact your ISP or sack them and connect with someone that can give you a realistic performance is my advice.
Are you connecting to your router with WiFi or cabled? If WiFi try using an ethernet cable direct from the computer to your router. As mentioned by others, your Internet speeds are almost certainly the source of all of your woes. The wild HDD activity you’re noticing could easily be put down to constant retries of downloading incomplete packets of data and effectively not getting anywhere, or Windows trying to get confirmation from the update server that a download had completed and not being able to receive a response before it times out, so then it starts all over again, ending up in a loop and looking like nothing is happening.
Your issues are highly unlikely to be a result of computer problems. Resolving your internet speed issues should be your top priority IMO. I live in the middle of New Mexico, many miles from the nearest city. I live literally in the middle of farm land and surrounded by Mesas and rivers and my internet speed is Mbps. I could not live with a 1 Mbps connection.
I’m well aware that updating two computers at once would be expected to slow things down — especially given my lousy Internet connection. The curious thing is that I’ve done it both ways, and this time when I did them together it actually went faster than on other occasions when I did them separately non-overlapping — at an Internet speed even slower than that observed on other occasions.
It would also, unfortunately, put a hole in my pocketbook I cannot at the moment afford. I do not normally install the “preview” versions of any CU, for the reasons Chris has stated. Not quite sure why I did it this time. Not losing marbles, I hope, but something not computer related did happen that shook them up a bit.
I normally put my desktop computer to sleep when I quit for the day — or it goes to sleep automatically after a certain time of inactivity. In the middle of the night during “inactive” hours it wakes up to download and install any pending updates but not “optional” or “preview” ones and then goes back to sleep.
Easy to set up, and saves a lot of bother. Not so the laptop, which is mostly asleep with lid closed, so cannot wake up to auto-install pending updates. So every few days I have to wake it up and let it install what it needs — don’t want to get behind on MS Defender definitions. As for the Internet speeds, I live in a very rural location with limited Internet options — and I have a very limited budget.
I am in frequent contact with my ISP I played some role in setting up this system. Speeds are usually almost normal in the forenoon, decline in the afternoon, and are next to nonexistent in the evening. I tried to post the original version of this message half an hour ago. I found out afterwards that it did not post, and the autosaved content included only about half of what I had written.
Posted 05 September – PM. Everything you’ve said there sounds to me like an overly congested network, which in all honesty, should never occur in a rural area. The only fix for that that I can think of would be the ISP throwing more money at the problem by supplying more bandwidth so that speeds wouldn’t slow down to almost non existent.
If you’re unable to switch to another provider due to a limited budget, you’re really at a disadvantage here. I see most of the problems even installing after a completed download to be internet speed related because even during the installation of downloaded updates, windows will contact the update server periodically, during which any contact attempt could stall the installation.
You could try to relieve the installation issues by disconnecting the Internet from the machine completely before initiating an install attempt. Windows should recognise it is not connected the to the network and not attempt to phone home during the install. Whether or not that will work I’m unsure, but it’s worth a try. May I ask what you consider to be ‘normal’ Internet performance before it crawls down to 1. That all sounds about right to me.
One thing that has happened here is that an outside contractor came in to install school-connected home WiFi in every home with children in the school K So the whole town is now bristling with their antennas.
My ISP says they are interfering with his signal and apparently not willing to do anything about it. I know he is very frustrated about that situation. He used to do all the school IT work until they went out and hired this other outfit to provide WiFi to every school child’s home for remote learning.
I have not been able to attend School Board meetings so I don’t know much about the background of that aspect.
This is an unincorporated town with about a thousand total inhabitants, most of them farm workers. We have one school K, surprisingly , a fire station, a public library open I think 2 days a week , a post office, a general store mostly canned goods , a filling station with a tiny general store inside, a small but rather good Mexican restaurant, and at least 3 churches. Also an Irrigation District and a separate Water District supplying domestic water. I live just over a mile outside the town, and about two miles from our WISP provider’s signal relay equipment, which is feet above ground on an old unused water tower this area is a former lake bed, perfectly flat.
I don’t know how many customers our ISP has in the town, but I doubt it’s more than a couple of dozen, if that. I’m pretty sure Hughes has some customers here, and some people have direct satellite ViaSat, formerly Wild Blue. Not sure what else. As for “normal” Internet speeds, I could in theory be getting Mbps if I wanted to pay for it; what I am actually subscribed for is 12 down, 3 up. In the morning I might actually get 10, by midday maybe half of that, and in the evening it is really marginal with frequent short or not so short outages.
I am told I’m getting worse service than other subscribers, because of my exact physical location, and I am paying a discounted rate to compensate. Is it satisfactory?
Of course not. All connections from router to devices are WiFi only — the 25 foot distance is necessary to keep the WiFi signal strength where it needs to be, about minus 45 dBm.
I understand I might get higher speed by direct wiring. I could easily connect the desktop computer to the router by cat 7 cable — in fact the cable is in place, needing only to be plugged in. I operated the system for quite a while months with the cable plugged in, and I can’t say it was notably faster that way than it is now. I went back and forth looking for a difference, and didn’t find it.
I think most of the slowness is outside the house walls, for the reasons you mention. I have some Pingplotter screenshots that suggest the same thing. Next to no delay between devices and router, or between router and receiver, not much between receiver and water tower — and after that, ouch, or so it seems — I claim no expertise in the reading of Pingplotter results.
Posted 06 September – AM. Here in Australia, even the smallest community of a couple hundred people would first erect a PUB before even thinking about building a church, let alone three of them!! I’ve driven through small country towns where the only building of note was the pub! Until this very moment, I’d never even heard of an Internet plan that allows for 12mb down and 3mb up.
That’s just ridiculous in my view. Do you have a wired telephone service to your home? Why not ask your ISP to put you on his Mb plan just as a short trial so you can make up your mind if it’s worth the extra money? If his service can’t sustain a constant 12Mb download speed, I suspect his Mb speeds plan only exists in his dreams. I feel for you mate.
Decent internet access is arguably more important in rural areas than in the cities, where many kids rely on live video for attending schools. It just seems unimaginable to me that an ISP is getting away with providing the sub standard service you’re getting.
May as well not have anything at all imo. Can’t get yourself hooked up to the K network somehow? Or is that out of budget range too? The school WiFi system is strictly for their own use, it is not a public facility. I could go to direct satellite ViaSat and probably get much better speed — at higher cost.
Slow download/install of upgrades – Windows 10 Support – Windows 10 Cumulative Updates are way too slow to download and install
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