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Why do some email messages not download pictures, and does header choice matter?.
I have just purchased a Windows 8. I then upgraded to Windows I’ve been able to set up my Gmail, my work email on an Exchange server and another Xtra account I have and they all work fine in Mail. The email address I used to set it up is the only one not working. It automatically loaded into Mail and all of the emails loaded but I can’t view them, – I get the message “Download message and pictures I’m also not always able to look at any of the settings for this email account – they are sometimes greyed out, but not always.
I have since uninstalled Windows 10, changed my login to an outlook. The outlook email set itself up in Mail and shows all emails fine. I then added all of my emails again. They all added fine to Mail and the 2 Xtra accounts added also. However my personal Xtra account still loads all emails but I can’t view them and I still get the message “Download messges and pictures” I’ve gone online and was able to look at the emails through Yahoo and know I have the password correct.
I also know the pop server works with Mail and Windows 10 as the other Xtra email address works fine. Can you please help? Doesn’t seem to be a problem with your account, and don’t worry, is not a PC problem either. By saying this, I think is quite obvious it is an app problem, nothing you can do about.
Here is what I found worked for me. I have an MSN email address, xxxxxx msn. I had used a different password to log on to the computer when it boots up. I changed all the passwords to be the same.
I made the password for my email, the password for my Microsoft account, and the password for logging onto the computer to all be the same. Once I had done this, all issues with Windows 10 mail went away. So I surmise that if you use an email address as your login, make sure that the passwords for each of these 3 areas is the same one. Unfortunately I couldn’t begin to tell you where you go to change all of these passwords, I had to hunt around until I found where you change the password in each application.
I have this exact problem too. Xtra Yahoo and MS don’t seem to agree. I have 3 Xtra accounts setup fine and a fourth that won’t display the message body. It works fine on a different email client.
Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Windows Client. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows 10 General. Sign in to vote. Hi there I have just purchased a Windows 8. Saturday, September 5, PM. Honestly, I think it might be a bug. Try to report it through Feedback app : Doesn’t seem to be a problem with your account, and don’t worry, is not a PC problem either. Sorry I couldn’t help..
Sunday, September 6, AM. You need to contact Xtra as we have no idea of their settings and configuration. Wanikiya and Dyami–Team Zigzag. Thanks for your reply. The box was already ticked when I went in to check so this doesn’t seem to be the problem. I have been into check this a few times and sometimes I can click on it to view the settings, and sometimes it is greyed out so I can’t.
Also, Mail seems to sometimes close unexpectedly from time to time. I’ve only had the computer for 3 days! The settings seem to work ok as my other Xtra account works fine. I have the same problem as you! Saturday, September 26, AM. Same problem here. Mail will not download message or pictures. I wondered if it was anything to do with the email address being the same as the Outlook email address?
Sunday, September 27, AM. I get the messages but no images and I too have checked as indicated in the image above and that is indeed checked. But no images ever appear. Wednesday, September 30, PM. Worked fine at first, email and all, then upgraded to Windows 10, bottom fell out of the basket! Then MS suggests it is the problem of Xtra or whichever other name is mentioned.
Since MS encouraged everyone to upgrade, they need to fix this now! And it is not the only problem that cropped up after migrating from 8 to This is absurd.
Monday, December 21, AM. Good luck Dave. Saturday, February 13, PM. Tuesday, June 7, PM. If you call Xtra Spark they can’t help and you start getting the run around.
Anyone have a solution? Cheers Steve. Tuesday, July 19, AM. Hope this helps. Proposed as answer by. Ishy Thursday, September 22, AM. Sunday, September 11, AM. Thursday, March 23, PM. I had the same issue until I granted hxmail. Monday, May 1, PM. Is hxmail. I can’t find it nor add it to the allowed apps through the firewall. Sunday, May 14, PM.
I had the same problem. For me, just restarting the computer fixed the problem. This probably won’t help you, but may help people who found this by googling. Thursday, June 15, AM.
Windows mail download message and pictures free. The 7 best email clients for Windows in 2022
Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I have just purchased a Windows 8. I then upgraded to Windows I’ve been able to set up my Gmail, my work email on an Exchange server and another Xtra account I have and they all work fine in Mail.
The email address I used to set it up is the only one not working. It automatically loaded into Mail and all of the emails loaded but I can’t view them – I get the message “Download message and pictures I’m also not always able to look at any of the settings for this email account – they are sometimes greyed out, but not always.
I have since uninstalled Windows 10, changed my login to an outlook. The outlook. I then added all of my email accounts again. They all added fine to Mail and the 2 Xtra accounts added also. However my personal Xtra account still loads all emails but I can’t view them and I still get the message “Download messages and pictures” I’ve gone online and was able to look at the emails through Yahoo and know I have the password correct.
I also know the pop server works with Mail and Windows 10 as the other Xtra email address works fine. Can you please help? This appears to be a bug – I have tried just about all of the suggestions out there and absolutely nothing worked.
That is until I came across a solution posted on a forum, which I have been unable to find again to post a ‘thank you’. Click the ‘Forward’ link.
In the new mail that is created the original email will appear. Close the forwarded email and the mail body will then show in the originally received mail. Not a very elegant solution, but saves hours of re-installing, or standing in the corner of the room with one foot in a bucket of iced water whilst pointing north and all the other suggestions out there. Had the same issue. The Download Messages and Pictures link would not work.
Another support page suggested the following: Close the Mail app, go to Windows Settings gear icon , click on Apps, choose the Mail and Calendar app from the list, click the Advanced Options link, and then click the Reset button.
When I reopened the app, this did the trick for me. People who code: we want your input. Take the Survey. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Windows 10 Mail – won’t show full email “Download messages and pictures Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 8 months ago.
Active 10 months ago. Viewed 14k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. This worked for me, so I have posted it here in the hope it will help others too. Improve this answer. Giles Beckley Giles Beckley 11 1 1 bronze badge. This solution just works. Thank you Giles for this simple yet working tip. On MS Technet website they say it’s a bug and the solution is to reset the mail app!
Robert Robert 1. Go to settings General and turn off Smart Screen filter. All emails then worked fine for me. Dave B Dave B 1. I would strongly advise NOT to turn off smart screen filter. It is against malware. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Blocking the haters as a service.
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